Ara Güler Archive Series - Istanbul's Ferries

Everything is there in these photographs: the children on the shore and on the landing stages; the boatmen of the Golden Horn; those Şehir Hatları steamers, all of whose names we knew by heart- both those that plied the Bosphorus and those that made their way between the banks of the Golden Horn (to which we hurried down from the surrounding heights); the ever-changing scene on the Galata Bridge, and the way the sea looked when we stood on it; the caulking yards; the men who put out the gangways for boarding and alighting passengers; the loafers standing and staring at the sea; and the matelots making use of their shore leave. Dear lstanbul, it is not solely from poets that we learn who and what you are: it is equally from masters of the photographic art such as Ara Güler. lndeed, no vestige of the past, no monument, no work of art is capable of teaching people what Istanbul was like for our generation as effectively as Ara Güler does. İlber Ortaylı
Stok Kodu: 0100003990
Teslimat tarihi: 7 Gün

Fotoğraflar: Ara Güler

Basım Yılı: 2023

Sayfa Sayısı: 48 Sayfa

Ebat: 22,5 x 18,5 cm

Dil: İngilizce

Bu ürünü alan müşteriler aynı zamanda bunları da satın aldı

Aynı Rüyanın İçinde - Ara Güler & Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar

Ara Güler Müzesi ve Dergâh Yayınları, Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar ile Ara Güler’i, bir tarihin entelektüel hafızası ile bu tarihin görsel kayıt ustasını ‘Aynı Rüyanın İçinde’ birleştiren yeni kitabını gururla sunuyor. Aynı Rüyanın İçinde bu rüyanın izleyicisi olmayı hayal edenler için, gerçekle kurgunun iç içe geçtiği bir İstanbul hikâyesi anlatıyor. Rüya, bir İstanbul rüyası. Kitabımızın konseptini, iki ustanın rüyasını ortak kılan birinin dilsel ötekininse görsel rüya simgelerinin ardına düşmek belirledi. ‘Aynı Rüyanın İçinde’de okuyucu, Yahya Kemal’in ‘Hayal Şehir’ini, Tanpınar’ın Ara Güler’le birlikte bir ‘Rüya Şehri’ne nasıl dönüştürdüklerine tanıklık edecek.

Ara Güler Archive Series - Black And White Istanbul

'' What we see when we examine one of his portrait photographs is not the sitter as filtered through the personality of Ara Güler: rather, it is Ara Güler's personality as filtered through the sitter. Thus we are led to the conclusion that in the endlessly absorbing photographs of Istanbul you are holding in your hand, Ara Güler is Istanbul itself. In any case, the person who is Ara Güler is nothing other than Istanbul. The exuberant richness of a city thousands of years old - a fusion of turquoise and gold - finds itself reflected, almost in its entirety, in Ara's personality. That little girl smiling among the tombstones, those moss- covered slabs of marble, that old man sitting in a coffee-house deep in thought, that boat with its freshly- caulked hull, that Bosphorus ferryboat whose lights are gradually dimming as it sails away into the distance, that garbage collector, that tinker, that greengrocer, that migrant, that seller of hand- painted kerchiefs, that wooden house, that alley, that street - all of these are Ara Güler himself. '' Onat Kutlar

Ara Güler Arşiv Serisi - Renkli İstanbul

“Ara Güler’in İstanbul fotoğraflarında fotoğrafçı (Ara Güler) ile fotoğrafı çekilen (İstanbul) arasında, beylik deyimle bir aşk ilişkisi görmek mümkündür. Fotoğraflara bakan daha dikkatli bir göz ise, bu ilişkinin sadece aşk ile kısıtlı olmadığını görecektir. Ara Güler, doğup büyüdüğü kente yalnızca aşk ile değil; tutkuyla, kıskançlıkla, öfkeyle, şefkatle, sevdayla, bellekle, yaşanmış her saniyesinin, her ışık huzmesinin üstüne titreyen bir sevgiyle, hiçbir ayrıntıyı gözardı etmeyen bir dikkatle bakıyordur. Kent ile (bu İstanbul kentiyle) Ara Güler arasındaki ilişkidir söz konusu.” Memet Baydur

Ara Güler Archive Series - Istanbul İn Colour

'' In Ara Güler's photographs of Istanbul, one can discern the existence of a powerful love relationship - the use a somewhat hackneyed phrase - between the photographer (Ara Güler) and the subject being photographer (Ara Güler) and the subject being photographed (Istanbul). On closer examination, however, we will see that there is a great deal more to this relationship than just love and affection: Ara Güler looks on the city in which he was born and bred not only with these feelings, but also with passion, with a jealous possesivennes, even with anger - and at the same time with sympathy, compassion and an intense longing sparked off by his memories. He is determined not just to cherish every moment of experience, but also to capture everything contained within it - every single ray of light - with a caring meticulousness that does not permit a single detail to pass unnoticed. The photograph express, in its totality, the complex relationship between the city - Istanbul - and Ara Güler.'' Memet Baydur